Project Description

Awarded by Balfour Beatty, Cidon were appointed to construct five bridges as part of the third phase to the East Leeds Orbital Route (ELOR).

Working for Leeds city council, Balfour Beatty are contracted to design and deliver the £87 million 7km scheme. Works were set to include improvements to a number of existing Outer Ring Road junctions and the widening to three junctions along the A6120 Ring Road as well as construction of the main 7km carriageway.

Cidon have been awarded the full labour plant, permanent and temporary materials package for 2nr road over road / steam bridges and 3nr footbridges. The project will be a key part of the East Leeds Extension, to create a major strategic growth area for the city.

The Orbital Routes scheme is part of a government project, funded by Leeds City Council’s transport strategy for the city Connecting Leeds, and is due to be completed in 2022. It will be one of the biggest infrastructure projects to take place in the city for 50 years.

Unique Features

  • High quality F3 abutment walls with patterned timber inserts.
  • Construction of Country Park structure beneath existing 132KV overhead cables.
  • Work scope for Cock Beck structure to include 5500m3 structural excavation to depth below existing beck, pile cropping and water management with extensive temporary pumping regime.